Most of the common health problems affecting domestic horses are a result of man-made violations of the horse’s natural lifestyle and can be prevented through removal of the cause and a return to a species-appropriate lifestyle.

An HHP will look at a horse holistically and try to identify such cause or causes, and then establish an action plan to remove it/them. This is in contrast to symptomatic treatment, which considers the symptom as the problem and all attention is on such.

About Us

Holistc Hoofcare Professionals specialising in Hoof Orthopaedics and Holistic Lameness Rehabilitation

We are a group of people in New Zealand with the same training background. We have completed a 2-year traning course on Holistic Hoofcare and Hoof Orthopaedics, and we have an annual Continuing Education programme to ensure we stay up-to-date with training and developments.